Program 2024
edition 5th
Ex Ma.Ter / Quod / Abetone
3-6 October 2024
26 November 2024 Teatro Verdi
Ex Ma.Ter - Entrance via Zanfarino
Thursday, October 3
H 19:30 in opening Literary juke-box
Words in music tribute to Giuni Russo and Gabriella Ferri
Next Presentation of the book by Vanni Lai
La Cantadora (2022, minimum fax)
Talks to the author Sarah Jane Ranieri
Live music by Milena and Costantino Doppiu
H 20:15 Presentation of the book by Massimiliano Raffa
Poptimism. Media Algoritmici e crisi della popular music (2024, Meltemi)
Dialogue with the author Jambo Praticò
H 21:00 Presentation of the book by Lavinia Mancusi
Revolucionaria! Le vite intrecciate, la musica senza tempo e le lotte grandi come il mondo di Violeta Parra, Mercedes Sosa e Chavela Vargas (2024, Red Star Press)
Talks to the author Paola Pinna
Live music by Claudia Crabuzza
H 21:45 Presentation of the book by Cristiano Godano (Marlene Kuntz)
Il suono della rabbia. Pensieri sulla musica e il mondo (2024, Il Saggiatore)
Talks to the author Giovanni Dessole
Ex Ma.Ter - Entrance via Zanfarino
Friday, October 4
H 18:00 in opening the presentation of the book by Ariane Hugues
L’anno straordinario più laboratorio (2024, Canicola Edizioni)
In collaboration with Bardunfula Fe' and the French National Institute
*KIDS >7y
H 19:00 in opening Literary juke-box
Words in music tribute to Giuni Russo and Gabriella Ferri
Presentation of the book by Tiberio Snaidero
L’arte di essere Tom Waits – Tra musica, cinema, teatro e televisione (2023, Volo Libero edizioni)
Talks to the author Gianni Lovecchio
H 19:45 Presentation of the book by Trifone Gargano
Uno nessuno centomila selfie. Metaverso. Social network. Pop. (2024, ERF edizioni)
Talks to the author Valentina Sanna
H 20:30 Presentation of the book by Azzurra D'Agostino
The night I killed Kurt Cobain (2024, The Beaver)
Talks to the author Giovanni Dessole
Live music by Bandito
H 21:15 Presentation of the book by Carlo Massarini
Vivo dal vivo (2023, Rizzoli Lizard)
Talks to the author Giampiero Marras
Quod Design - Sassari, via Mercato 1/b
Saturday, October 5
H 12:00
Book presentations: The European Commission
• Matteo Ceschi
G. Storia ed estetica Grunge (2024, Volo Libero Edizioni)
• Stefano Scrima
Smells like Kurt spirit. Nirvana e filosofia (2023, Arcana Edizioni)
Talks to the authors: Francesco Bustio Dettori
Live music by Supernova
Ex Ma.Ter - Entrance via Zanfarino
Saturday, October 5
H 19:00 in opening Literary juke-box
Words in music tribute to Giuni Russo and Gabriella Ferri
Following Presentation of the book by Guia Cortassa
Città della musica. Capitali e luoghi della geografia musicale (2024, White Star)
Talks to the author: Jambo Praticò
H 19:45 Presentation of the book by Fabrizio Falconi
The end of the dream. Beatles, Manson, Polanski (2024, Arcana Edizioni)
Dialogue with the author: Franco Ferrandu
H 20:30 Presentation of the book by Fernando Rennis
Charming men. La storia degli Smiths (2024, Nottetempo)
Talks to the author: Nicola Muscas
H 21:15 Presentation of the book by Valeria Sgarella
Niente specchi in camerino. La storia dei Soundgarden (2024, Tsunami Edizioni)
Dialogue with the author: Fausto Donato
Live music by The Niro
H 22:00 Presentation of the book by Stefano Scrima
Sto solo dormendo – Lennon e la filosofia (2024, Arcana Edizioni)
Talk to the author: Stefania Courson
Live music by Filippo Lacana
Abetone Music Bar - Sassari, Viale Italia 1
Saturday, October 5
23:00 Kurt is a Riot!
Talk by and with Valeria Sgarella
Quod Design - Sassari, via Mercato 1/b
Sunday, October 6
H 12:00 Presentation of the book by Paolo Gresta
Il lato B. Da comparse a superstar: la storia di B-side scarti e outtake diventati leggenda (2024, Arcana Edizioni)
Dialogue with the author: Luigi Frassetto/ following live set
H 19:00 Presentation of the book by Hamilton Santià
Sotto traccia. Ua storia indie contemporanea (2024, Effequ)
Dialogue with the author: Paolo Ardovino
following The Niro live
Foyer Teatro Verdi
Sunday, October 13
H 19:00 Presentation of the book by Enrico De Angelis, Enrico Deregibus
Luigi Tenco - Lontano, lontano. Lettere, racconti, interviste (2024, Il Saggiatore)
Live music by Luigi Frassetto and Angela Colombino
Dialogue with the authors: Paolo Ardovino
H 20:00 Presentation of the book by Donato Zoppo
E’ stato un tempo il mondo. In viaggio con i CSI (2024 Compagnia Editoriale Aliberti)
Dialogue with the author: Francesca Mulas
Teatro Verdi Sassari
Tuesday, November 26
H 21:00 Alessandro Baricco - Abel Concert
The writer from Turin will take the stage together with three musicians (Cesare Picco, Roberto Tarasco, Nicola Tescari) to read and 'play' 7 chapters of his latest book (Abel, Feltrinelli Editore).
A production by Savà Produzioni Creative and Feltrinelli, in collaboration with Scuola Holden.
Event organised in collaboration with Mr Wolf.
*the times are indicative. The organization assumes 45' per meeting/ presentation.
The public is invited to arrive at the festival venues at least 10 minutes before the time indicated and to check for updates on the programme on social media.